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Shortest Job Remaining First (SJR) Scheduling Algorithm


The Shortest Job Remaining First (SJR) scheduling algorithm is a preemptive scheduling technique used in operating systems. It selects the process with the smallest remaining burst time to execute next, allowing for efficient handling of processes with varying execution times.


Consider four processes with the following arrival and burst times:

  • Process 1: Arrival time 1, Burst time 3
  • Process 2: Arrival time 2, Burst time 3
  • Process 3: Arrival time 3, Burst time 5
  • Process 4: Arrival time 4, Burst time 1

Using the SJR algorithm, the processes will be executed based on their remaining times and arrival sequence.

Problem Definitionā€‹

Given a list of processes with their corresponding arrival times and burst times, calculate the waiting times, turnaround times, average waiting time, and average turnaround time for the processes.

Key Conceptsā€‹

  • Waiting Time: The amount of time a process spends waiting before it starts executing.
  • Turnaround Time: The total time taken for a process from arrival to completion, which includes both the waiting time and burst time.

SJR Scheduling Approachā€‹

In the SJR algorithm:

  • The waiting time is calculated based on the execution order of the processes with the shortest remaining time.
  • Processes can be preempted if a newly arriving process has a shorter burst time than the remaining time of the currently executing process.

Code Implementation in Pythonā€‹

Below is the Python implementation for the SJR scheduling algorithm:

from __future__ import annotations
import pandas as pd

def calculate_waiting_time(arrival_time: list[int], burst_time: list[int], num_processes: int) -> list[int]:
remaining_time = burst_time.copy()
waiting_time = [0] * num_processes

completed_processes = 0
current_time = 0
min_remaining_time = float('inf')
shortest_process = 0
process_found = False

while completed_processes != num_processes:
for j in range(num_processes):
if (arrival_time[j] <= current_time and remaining_time[j] > 0
and remaining_time[j] < min_remaining_time):
min_remaining_time = remaining_time[j]
shortest_process = j
process_found = True

if not process_found:
current_time += 1

remaining_time[shortest_process] -= 1

min_remaining_time = remaining_time[shortest_process]
if min_remaining_time == 0:
min_remaining_time = float('inf')

if remaining_time[shortest_process] == 0:
completed_processes += 1
finish_time = current_time + 1
waiting_time[shortest_process] = finish_time - arrival_time[shortest_process] - burst_time[shortest_process]
waiting_time[shortest_process] = max(waiting_time[shortest_process], 0)

current_time += 1

return waiting_time

def calculate_turnaround_time(burst_time: list[int], num_processes: int, waiting_time: list[int]) -> list[int]:
return [burst + wait for burst, wait in zip(burst_time, waiting_time)]

def calculate_average_times(waiting_time: list[int], turnaround_time: list[int], num_processes: int) -> None:
total_waiting_time = sum(waiting_time)
total_turnaround_time = sum(turnaround_time)
print(f"Average waiting time = {total_waiting_time / num_processes:.5f}")
print("Average turnaround time =", total_turnaround_time / num_processes)

if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Enter how many processes you want to analyze:")
num_processes = int(input())
burst_time = [0] * num_processes
arrival_time = [0] * num_processes
processes = list(range(1, num_processes + 1))

for i in range(num_processes):
print("Enter the arrival time and burst time for process:", i + 1)
arrival_time[i], burst_time[i] = map(int, input().split())

waiting_time = calculate_waiting_time(arrival_time, burst_time, num_processes)
turnaround_time = calculate_turnaround_time(burst_time, num_processes, waiting_time)

calculate_average_times(waiting_time, turnaround_time, num_processes)

fcfs = pd.DataFrame(
list(zip(processes, burst_time, arrival_time, waiting_time, turnaround_time)),
"Burst Time",
"Arrival Time",
"Waiting Time",
"Turnaround Time",

pd.set_option("display.max_rows", fcfs.shape[0] + 1)

Explanation of the Code

Waiting Time Calculationā€‹

The waiting time is calculated by tracking the remaining times of each process as they are executed in order of their shortest remaining time.

Turnaround Time Calculationā€‹

Turnaround time is calculated as the sum of waiting time and burst time for each process.

Average Timesā€‹

The average waiting time and turnaround time are printed by dividing the total by the number of processes.

Example Outputā€‹

For the input where the arrival and burst times are:

  • Arrival Time: [1, 2, 3, 4]
  • Burst Time: [3, 3, 5, 1]

The output will display the waiting and turnaround times, as well as the average values for all processes.

Time and Space Complexityā€‹

  • Time Complexity: The time complexity is O(nĀ²) due to the nested loops for finding the shortest job remaining.
  • Space Complexity: The space complexity is O(n) for storing waiting times and turnaround times.


The Shortest Job Remaining First (SJR) scheduling algorithm effectively minimizes waiting times for processes by executing the shortest jobs first. However, it may lead to starvation for longer processes if shorter jobs continue to arrive.